Systems Strengthening

Working with a variety of donors, IDP has researched and produced guidance on how systems, including bilateral, multilateral, and philanthropic foundations as well as private donors, can be more inclusive of persons with disabilities.


  • Report for the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Disability on Bilateral and Multilateral Donor Trends on Policies and Programs to Support Disability Inclusive Development (2020). Conducted background research that the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Disability used to prepare her 2020 Annual Report to the United Nations General Assembly. 

  • Supporting the United Nations Disability Strategy: Needs Assessment and the Strategic Planning for the United Nations Programme on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNPRPD) (2020). Reviewed past programming to determine lessons learned and assess knowledge management and capacity building needs of United Nations Country Teams (UNCTs).

  • Strengthening the System: Foundations for a Disability-Inclusive United Nations (2018). Conducted research to determine a baseline of disability inclusion within the United Nations system that was used to help build the United Nations Disability Strategy (UNDIS).

  • National Council on Disability’s 2017 Progress and Promise Report Examining the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in U.S. Foreign Policy. Led an extensive review on how the United States is addressing and including persons with disabilities in its foreign assistance programming. 
  • Development of Sensitization Packages on Disability-Inclusive Human Resources and Monitoring and Evaluation for United Nations Nepal (2021). Will develop training materials, a facilitator’s guide, and an assessment tool on disability inclusive development to be used by the United Nations system in Nepal; will train staff on good practices for inclusive human resources and monitoring and evaluation. 
