
IDP has several projects in Nepal from a variety of sources, including USAID and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Descriptions of these projects can be found below.

Donor: USAID Prime: Plan International Timeframe: Sept 2023 – June 2028

Nepal Equity and Inclusion

USAID Equity and Inclusion in Education improves equitable education outcomes for marginalized youth in grades 6-10. The activity supports local governments to bring out-of-school children into school, increase retention of learners, and ensure equitable and quality learning opportunities for all. The activity’s objectives are: Reducing barriers to access and retention; improving quality of education; and strengthening the government of Nepal systems to improve equity and inclusion at the local level. Plan and its partners will do this through enhancing collaborations between different groups such as local governments (LGs), schools, Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs), youth organizations, and provincial governments in Madhesh and Karnali Provinces.

A man in a suit jacket speaks into a microphone in front of a small group of seated adults. A PowerPoint slide is projected on a screen behind him.
IDP Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) Advisor Dr. Niraj Poudyal, presenting during staff orientation in Karnali Province.

The principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) are central to the activity and, as a subpartner, IDP is directly supporting this work through the DEIA Advisor position.

Project Highlights

  • Supporting the Government of Nepal (GON), at various levels, to align teaching, learning, and assessment materials with principles of universal design (UDL and UDA) and inclusive education strategies;
  • Ensuring that all marginalized learners (including those with disabilities), both in and out of school, are considered and included in programming. This will also involve facilitating inclusive engagement with community groups as well as Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs); and
  • Supporting tool development for various data collection efforts that will inform program planning as well as monitoring, evaluation, and learning, including supporting the GON’s commitment to achieving equity-related targets.
Photo Credit: World Education, Inc.

Donor: USAID Prime: Purdue University Local Partner: Kathmandu University • Timeframe: Aug. 2019 – Feb. 2023

Multi-Country Study on Inclusive Education

In Nepal, IDP is partnering with USAID through the Long-Term Assistance and Services for Research (LASER) mechanism led by Purdue University to conduct a three-year evaluation of USAID inclusive education activities delivered by Reading for All (R4A) and its lead implementer, Humanity & Inclusion. Our evaluation, the Multi-Country Study on Inclusive Education (MCSIE), is the first major effort by USAID to investigate what works to improve the quality of education for learners with disabilities. We are leveraging this unique opportunity to derive lessons learned about what works to sustainably advance teaching and learning outcomes for children with disabilities in varying contexts. USAID and its partners will use this information to inform adaptations to its activities in Nepal and to plan for new inclusive education programming globally. 


Project Highlights

  • Conducted literature and policy reviews around the situation of disability-inclusive education in Nepal
  • Produced detailed evaluation reports identifying strengths and areas of opportunity related to R4A’s capacity development within the Ministry, the adaptation of early grade reading assessments for students who are blind and deaf, and teacher training efforts 
  • Used evaluation methodologies that include key informant interviews and focus group discussions with implementing partners, disabled persons’ organizations, national and subnational government stakeholders, classroom teachers, principals, and parents; secondary source document review and rubric analysis; and training and classroom observations 
  • Implemented a comparative case study methodology to dig deeply on qualitative factors supporting or hindering access to and learning in inclusive instructional settings
  • Mapped areas of intervention to include existing systems and actors engaged in disability inclusion in Nepal

Project Resources

Donor: USAID Prime: World Education, Inc. Timeframe: Apr. 2021 – July 2022

Leveraging Existing Accessibility Resources in Nepal (LEARN)​

As part of USAID’s UnrestrICTed Challenge, IDP is supporting World Education’s LEARN project in Nepal. This activity works with government education stakeholders and local disabled persons’ organizations (DPOs) to develop a flexible framework, called the Nepal Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Matrix, for integrating information and communications technologies (ICTs) and UDL principles into government guidelines and training instruction. The project will also leverage ICT to expand teachers’ professional development opportunities related to inclusive education. We will support the development of the UDL Matrix as well as the development of recommendations for common, affordable, and beneficial ICTs. In addition, we will collaborate with DPOs and government stakeholders to develop a teacher training module focused on UDL with ICT supports.

Project Highlights

  • Developing matrix and guidance based on existing and available technologies and content in Nepal following the review of existing resources
  • Developing consolidated recommendations for the most common, affordable, and beneficial ICTs and content that offer potential for wide implementation in a variety of contexts
  • Collaborating with DPOs and the government of Nepal to develop teacher training modules and training-of-trainers sessions focused on UDL 
  • Providing training and coaching to program staff and DPO partners and advising on specific challenges and questions that arise

Project Resources

Donor: UNDP Timeframe: May – Sep. 2021

Provision of Services for Development of Sensitization Packages on Disability Inclusive Human Resources and Operations and Monitoring and Evaluation for United Nations (UN) Nepal

IDP is working with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Coordinator’s Office (RCO) and Disability Inclusion Task Team in Nepal to design and conduct sensitization training sessions on disability-inclusive monitoring and evaluation and human resourcing and procurement for Nepal’s entire UN Country Team (UNCT). Our sessions are targeted to human resource and monitoring and evaluation professionals and are based on the United Nations Disability Strategy (UNDIS) and relevant international guiding practices. In addition to these trainings, we are developing an assessment tool to gauge the impact of the sessions six months after implementation.

Project Highlights

  • Developing sensitization packages, including a facilitator’s guide and related assessment tool with components on procurement and human resources and monitoring and evaluation for UNCT Nepal staff
  • Delivering progressive sessions on each thematic area for UN personnel 
  • Conducting a session for select disability-inclusion focal points to allow trainees to take the sensitization sessions as part of regular annual trainings for new UN personnel
  • Developing an assessment tool to gauge the impact of the sessions six months after its implementation