IDP to partner with Research Triangle Institute (RTI) International to serve as technical advisors for USAID’s Arithmetic and Inclusive Education project in Tanzania.

IDP is excited to partner with Research Triangle Institute (RTI) International to implement USAID’s Arithmetic and Inclusive Education project, which will build on the Tusome Pamoja’s current work supporting the mastery of early grade reading, writing, and arithmetic in Tanzania.
The purpose of the Arithmetic and Inclusive Education activity, which will be implemented from October 2019 to December 2020, is to expand the current project’s goals to include mastery of early grade arithmetic and an increase in the inclusivity of primary education. For this project, IDP will support this program by:• Assisting in the development of school-based screening and providing follow-up referrals• Supporting the training of teachers on best practices in inclusive education• Providing technical support on the creation of community mobilization messages around attendance and participation in school for children with disabilities• Supporting the provision of a package with appropriate resources for each school to assist learning, particularly for children with low vision• Leading operational research to better understand barriers to enrollment and attendance in order to improve attendance for children with disabilities.