IDP supports pre-service teacher preparation for inclusive education in Liberia

IDP is excited to partner with Research Triangle Institute (RTI) International to implement USAID’s Transforming the Education System for Teachers and Students (TESTS) activity in Liberia.
The goal of the five-year TESTS activity is to improve the quality of targeted Liberian early
childhood education and primary teachers’ instructional delivery. The purpose of TESTS is to:
- strengthen the capacity of selected public, private, and faith-based institutions to train teachers so that they are capable of delivering quality instruction
- build critical skills for quality teaching
- improve the enabling environment for teaching practice
To achieve these aims, TESTS will support eight teacher training institutions (TTIs) in Liberia to ensure all curriculum and teacher training efforts are inclusive of marginalized populations, including women and persons with disabilities. IDP will support an embedded focus on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and inclusive education strategies throughout teacher preparation activities to ensure the next generation of Liberian teachers can support ALL students to learn.